H.A.I.R. Technology®

Human Alopecia Investigation and Research : a quality label



Our quality label H.A.I.R. Technology® (Human Alopecia Investigation and Research) encompasses several methods to characterize hair either globally or in a more analytical way.

Today and after more than 20 years of sustained efforts, we can document all the transition phases of the hair cycle i.e. growth, regression, resting and shedding of hair with a high-tech and calibrated method.

The generic name of the method and related procedures is “phototrichogram”… (PTG) or more precisely contrast enhanced PTG with exogen collection (CE-PTG-EC) a totally painless approach.

The method is available in Tournai, Brussels.

The method has been subject to a quality control (see phototrichogram) during an external audit and published papers in peer reviewed journals support its use

  • the definition of problems of hair shedding and balding or alopecia in man and in women
  • the study of physiology of body hair
  • the evaluation of hair removal during shaving and epilation